Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Voltage stability, Active power lossAbstract
The power system should ensure safe and consistent power to the customer. For secure operation, the voltage should be within the desired limits, or else it will result in voltage collapse and power losses. The power system will be more competent, economic, reliable, and reduce power losses if the voltage stability is enhanced. Since the voltage stability is determined by the reactive power of the network, a reactive power source should be provided to safeguard the stability of the power system. This paper presents the enhancement of voltage stability in the power system using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The GA approach is used to find the optimal value of control variables such as generator bus voltage, shunt capacitance, and transformer tap setting which are the source of reactive power. The GA was executed via MATLAB programming with MATPOWER. The propounded method was tested on the western grid of Bhutan to minimize the real power losses. The results demonstrate improved voltage stability in the power system and a significant reduction in power losses. The results will help Power System Operators to make a better decision while encountering voltage issues in their power lines. Moreover, this research will guide future research in dealing with similar research especially in calculating the optimal location of FACT devices for reactive power compensation.
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